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Registering a Death

Registering a Death

When a death occurs, our advice to all families is to contact us immediately.

In many cases now when people pass away in hospital, it is not necessary for us to attend immediately. However, our staff can still give the helpful advice needed to put people’s minds at ease, and to ensure that the family are aware of everything which needs to be done.

What to expect

One part of the funeral process that your funeral director will not be able to do for you is to register the death.

A death normally needs to be registered within five days, unless the Coroner is investigating the circumstances relating to the death. In certain situations the five day period can be extended.

Who can register a death?

Registering a death needs to be completed by the legally responsible person, normally:

  • A relative or executor.
  • Someone present at the death.
  • The occupier of the premises where the death occurred.
  • The person arranging for the funeral.


This person must attend the register office. With them, they must take:

  • The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) issued by the doctor.
  • The deceased person’s birth certificate and medical card (if available).

Our staff situated across Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Mansfield will be more than happy to advise you on where you must go to do this, and to make the appointment for you.

Tell Us Once

When you register a death we recommend that you take advantage of the new Tell Us Once scheme.

This scheme allows you to tell the authorities just once about your change of circumstances. They will notify local and government agencies on your behalf, saving you precious time and effort.

Meeting the Registrar

The registrar will interview you in private to gather the following information for the register:

  • The date and place of death.
  • The full name and maiden surname if the deceased had been a married woman, and any previous names used.
  • Their date and place of birth.
  • The occupation and, if the deceased person was a married woman or widow the full name and occupation of her husband.
  • Their usual address.
  • Whether the person who has died was in receipt of a pension from public funds.
  • Your name, address and relationship to the deceased.

Additional details will also be collected by the Registrar. Although these are not recorded in the Register they will be used for the preparation and supply of statistical information by the Registrar General:

  • The marital status of the deceased.
  • If the person who has died was married or in a Civil Partnership, the date of birth of the surviving spouse.

The registrar will record all details in draft form and will ask you to check that they have been recorded correctly. The non-statistical information will then be copied into the register book, which you will be asked to check through carefully and sign.

After registering a death:

On completion of the registration, you will be issued with:

  • A ‘green form’ which enables you to arrange the funeral (however, if the Coroner is involved different procedures may apply). This is issued free of charge.
  • A form for social security purposes. This is also issued free of charge.
  • You may also purchase certified copies of the entry (death certificates) at the time of registration or afterwards at a cost of £11.00 each.
  • A card for you to complete if you wish for the deceased’s details to be removed from mailing lists.

These two flow charts show the steps following an expected and an unexpected death to the point of registration. Our experienced funeral directors will be more than happy to explain each to you.

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Registering a Death




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